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F Nicholson Planes

Francis Nicholson (1683-4 to 1753)

Boston to Wrentham, MA


GAWP 5 entry for Francis Nicholson.

D mark

imprint D, courtesy the article: Francis Nicholson Update, The Chronicle 58-3, 9-2005, by Ted Ingraham.


This photo documents the F : Nicholson imprint on a quarter round molder, the second plane known with this imprint. Comparing the construction details of this molder with those found on the earliest known Francis Nicholson planes, Ingraham concludes that there is "little doubt that the birch plow and the beech quarter-round with the crude “F:NICHOLSON” mark are the work of Francis of Wrentham."

F: Nicholson plow. Courtesy Dick Rosenblatt.

imprint C

imprint B1

imprint B

Molders with imprints C, B1 and B (earlier left to later right)

Molders with imprints C, B1 and B (earlier in front to later in back)

Example dimensions for imprints C, B1 and B

imprint       F to N        length  

example    devise                    

C                 dot           10 3/8"

B1               star          10 1/8"

B                 star            9 7/8"

imprint       finial dimension      

example    (height / length) 

C               13/16" by 15/16"    

B1              7/8" by 15/16"  

B               15/16" by 1 3/16"

imprint    chamfer    body top to top

example   width       of chamfer stop

C               7/16"           1 7/8"

B1              3/8"            1 11/16"

B               5/16"           1 1/2"       

Molder, C imprint, 10 3/8" length

Molder, B1 imprint, 10 1/8" length

Molder, B imprint, 9 7/8" length

Plow, B imprint, 10" length

Crown molder, B imprint, 13" length

Smoother, B imprint, 6-13/16" length

(The only F Nicholson smoother that's been reported.)

(The presentation of visually based elements (scale imprints, scale drawings, etc.) is a challenge, especially when moving from the printed page to the realm of an electronic medium. For reference, the original GAWP 5, CAWP, BARS and SOJ publications had pages which were 8-1/2" in width.)

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