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Reference Material

GAWP 5 is the latest edition of A Guide to the Makers of American Wooden Planes by Thomas L. Elliott, 2018


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SOJ was a journal published by Pat Lasswell between 1999 and 2005. (17 issues)

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CAWP was a journal on American planes and plane makers published by Michael R. Humphrey between 1991 - 2001 (40 issues)


Bristish-American Rhykenological Society's journal PlaneTalk by Robert Graham, Elliot Sayward, Roger Smith. Published 1976 to 1986. (40 issues) (Note: Emil and Martyl Pollak assumed the publication of PlaneTalk starting in 1987.

Biographic articles from the Early RI Toolmakers & Tradesmen website. Richard Slaney and Barry Weaver

Past articles from EAIA's The Chronicle, BARS, Mechanick's Workbench and PlaneTalk are available as pdfs, courtesy of the publishers. 

(The presentation of visually based elements (scale imprints, scale drawings, etc.) is a challenge, especially when moving from the printed page to the realm of an electronic medium. For reference, the original GAWP 5, CAWP, BARS and SOJ publications had pages which were 8-1/2" in width.)

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